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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ELL and Reading

Imagine stepping into a classroom in a country where they speak a language you don't know at all and you are asked to give a presentation, read a book, or write a test. Think about how you would feel and how you would succeed, or, not succeed. This is what it is like for the ELL students in our classrooms. We have an important role and need to create a comfortable and safe classroom environment for these students.

Help ELL students in your classroom...

- be mindful in your teaching - lots of visuals, write down instructions as well as verbal instructions, student seating, assign appropriate leveled work and activities, have support meetings, provide feedback
- keep it simple to start - try to promote and encourage English speaking as much as possible. Have lots of student and classroom discussions, teach simple sentences - my name is, i don't understand/speak english, where is the bathroom?...
- have a variety of materials - label things in the classroom (board, desks, chalk), use everyday objects, use pictures, anchor charts, word walls
- study the ELL students culture and/or language - celebrate diversity in the classroom!
- dual-language approach - allow ELL students to approach activities in more than one language (ex. filling in a graphic organizer or brainstorming in their native language)
- find out what interests individual ELL students and adapt your lessons and activities to their interests - differentiate your instruction!

English Language Learners ESL and ELD Programs and Services

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